Local and Remote Notification Programming Guide
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Local and Remote Notification Programming Guide 



Remote Notification:iOS3.0 Mac OS v7.0

Local Notification:iOS4.0 Mac OS v

注:Remote Notification 即是 Push 





§ About Local Notifications and Remote Notifications  

Local notifications and remote notifications are the two types of user notifications. (Remote notifications are also known as push notifications.) Both types of user notifications enable an app that isn’t running in the foreground to let its users know it has information for them. The information could be a message, an impending calendar event, or new data on a remote server. When presented by the operating system, local and remote user notifications look and sound the same. They can display an alert message or they can badge the app icon. They can also play a sound when the alert or badge number is shown.

When users are notified that the app has a message, event, or other data for them, they can launch the app and see the details. They can also choose to ignore the notification, in which case the app is not activated.

Note: Remote notifications and local notifications are not related to broadcast notifications (NSNotificationCenter) or key-value observing notifications. 





  • At a Glance 6

Local notifications and remote notifications have several important aspects you should be aware of. 

  • Local and Remote Notifications Solve Similar Problems 6

Only one app can be active in the foreground at any time. Many apps operate in a time-based or interconnected environment where events of interest to users can occur when the app is not in the foreground. Local and remote notifications allow these apps to notify their users when these events occur.




  RelevantChapter: LocalandPushNotificationsinDepth(page10) 

  • Local and Remote Notifications Are Different in Origination 6

Local and remote notifications serve different design needs. A local notification is scheduled and sent by the app itself. Remote notifications—also known as push notifications—arrive from outside a device or a Mac. They originate on a remote server—the app’s provider—and are pushed to apps on devices (via the Apple Push Notification service) when there are messages to see or data to download. 

  RelevantChapter: LocalandPushNotificationsinDepth(page10) 




  • You Register, Schedule, and Handle Both Local and Remote Notifications 7 

To have the system deliver a local notification at a later time, an app registers notification types (in iOS 8 and later), creates a local notification object (using either UILocalNotification or NSUserNotification), assigns it a delivery date and time, specifies presentation details, and schedules it for delivery. To receive remote notifications, an app must register notification types, then pass to its provider a device token it gets from the operating system.

When the operating system delivers a local notification or remote notification and the target app is not running in the foreground, it can present the notification to the user through an alert, icon badge number, or sound. If there is a notification alert and the user taps or clicks an action button (or moves the action slider), the app launches and calls a method to pass in the local-notification object or remote-notification payload. If the app is running in the foreground when the notification is delivered, the app delegate receives a local or remote notification.

In iOS 8 and later, user notifications can include custom actions. Also, location-based notifications can be sent whenever the user arrives at a particular geographic location.

  RelevantChapter: Scheduling,Registering,andHandlingNotifications(page14) 


为了在之后的某个时间让操作系统发送一个本地通知,iOS 8之后,要注册通知类型,创建本地通知对象用:UILocalNotification或者NSUserNotification,给对象设置发送日期和时间,制定好呈现的细节,调度它。

为了接受到远程通知,app必须要注册通知类型,然后将从操作系统产生的device token传给app服务器。


如果用户点击了laert上面的action Button 或者滑动action Slider(锁屏的时候),app会启动程序,通过本地通知对象或者远程通知的载体调用方法。



  • The Apple Push Notification Service Is the Gateway for Remote Notifications 7

Apple Push Notification service (APNs) propagates remote notifications to devices having apps registered to receive those notifications. Each device establishes an accredited and encrypted IP connection with the service and receives notifications over this persistent connection. Providers connect with APNs through a persistent and secure channel while monitoring incoming data intended for their client apps. When new data for an app arrives, the provider prepares and sends a notification through the channel to APNs, which pushes the notification to the target device. 

  RelatedChapter: ApplePushNotificationService(page34) 





  • You Must Obtain Security Credentials for Remote Notifications 8

To develop and deploy the provider side of an app for remote notifications, you must get SSL certificates from Member Center. Each certificate is limited to a single app, identified by its bundle ID; it is also limited to one of two environments, one for development and one for production. These environments have their own assigned IP address and require their own certificates. You must also obtain provisioning profiles for each of these environments.

  RelatedChapter: ProvisioningandDevelopment(page49) 


为了给app服务器那边开发和配置远程Push通知,必须要从Member Center中获得SSL授权证书。一个证书对应一个app,由应用的Bundle ID标示;


而且,你必须获取这两个环境的配置证书Provisioning profile。

  • The Provider Communicates with APNs over a Binary Interface 8

The binary interface is asynchronous and uses a streaming TCP socket design for sending remote notifications as binary content to APNs. There is a separate interface for the development and production environments, each with its own address and port. For each interface, you need to use TLS (or SSL) and the SSL certificate you obtained to establish a secured communications channel. The provider composes each outgoing notification and sends it over this channel to APNs.

APNs has a feedback service that maintains a per-app list of devices for which there were failed-delivery attempts (that is, APNs was unable to deliver a remote notification to an app on a device). Periodically, the provider should connect with the feedback service to see what devices have persistent failures so that it can refrain from sending remote notifications to them.

  RelatedChapters: ApplePushNotificationService(page34),ProviderCommunicationwithApple Push Notification Service (page 51) 


这个二进制接口是异步的,并且用了一个TCP 套接字socket设计用于把二进制的远程通知发送给APNs,对开发和生产环境,各自都有一个独立的接口,都有自己的地址和端口。



  • Prerequisites 8

App Programming Guide for iOS describes the high level patterns for writing iOS apps.

For local notifications and the client-side implementation of remote notifications, familiarity with app development for iOS is assumed. For the provider side of the implementation, knowledge of TLS/SSL and streaming sockets is helpful. 




  • See Also 9 

The following documents provide background information:

teaches how to create a team provisioning profile in Xcode before you enable APNs.

describes how to perform a variety of tasks in Xcode and Member Center, such as configuring APNs.

documents the specific entitlements needed for an app to receive remote notifications.

You might find these additional sources of information useful for understanding and implementing local and remote notifications:

The reference documentation for , , and describe the local- and remote-notification API for client apps in iOS.

The reference documentation for NSApplication and NSApplicationDelegate Protocol describe the remote-notification API for client apps in OS X.

describes the security technologies and techniques used for the iOS and OS X systems.

is the standard for the TLS protocol.

Secure communication between data providers and Apple Push Notification service requires knowledge of Transport Layer Security (TLS) or its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Refer to one of the many online or printed descriptions of these cryptographic protocols for further information.

For information on how to send push notifications to your website visitors using OS X, read Configuring Safari Push Notifications in Notification Programming Guide for Websites . 


App Distribution Quick Start 教你怎么在Xcode中创建一个team provisioning profile,使得能用APNs。

App Distribution Guide 

Entitilement Key Reference

Reference:UILocalNotification, UIApplication, UIApplicationDelegate (NSApplication, NSApplicationDelegate Protocol)

Security Overview

RFC 5246




update:2014-12-14 14:50:11

 § Local and Remote Notifications in Depth

The essential purpose of both local and remote notifications is to enable an app to inform its users that it has something for them—for example, a message or an upcoming appointment—when the app isn’t running in the foreground. The essential difference between local notifications and remote notifications is simple:

  • Local notifications are scheduled by an app and delivered on the same device.

  • Remote notifications, also known as push notifications, are sent by your server to the Apple Push Notification service, which pushes the notification to devices.


  • Local and Remote Notifications Appear the Same to Users

Users can get notified in the following ways:

  • An onscreen alert or banner

  • A badge on the app’s icon

  • A sound that accompanies an alert, banner, or badge

From a user’s perspective, both local and remote notifications indicate that there is something of interest in the app.

For example, consider an app that manages a to-do list, and each item in the list has a date and time when the item must be completed. The user can request the app to notify it at a specific interval before this due date expires. To effect this, the app schedules a local notification for that date and time. Instead of specifying an alert message, the app chooses to specify a badge number (1) and a sound. At the appointed time, iOS plays the sound ad displays the badge number in the upper-right corner of the icon of the app, such as illustrated in Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1  An app icon with a badge number (iOS)

Application icon with a badge number

The user hears the sound and sees the badge and responds by launching the app to see the to-do item. Users control how the device and specific apps installed on the device should handle notifications. They can also selectively enable or disable remote notification types (that is, icon badging, alert messages, and sounds) for specific apps. 






一个app有一个to-do list 待办事项列表,里面的每一条要在一个日期时间到的时候完成。

  • Local and Remote Notifications Appear Different to Apps

If your app is frontmost when a local or remote notification arrives, the  ormethod is called on its app delegate. If your app is not frontmost or not running, you handle the notifications by checking the options dictionary passed to the  of your app delegate for either the or  key. For more details about handling notifications, see .



对本地通知:application:didReceiveRemoteNotification: 或者对push:application:didReceiveLocalNotification:

当你的app在后台或者没有在运行的时候,你通过app delegate传进的option即字典:方法是application:didFinishLaunchingWithOption: 

的key:UIApplicationLaunchOptionsLocalNotificationKey 和 UIApplicationLaunchOptionsRemoteNotificationKey

  • More About Local Notifications

Local notifications are ideally suited for apps with time-based behaviors, such as calendar and to-do list apps. Apps that run in the background for the limited period allowed by iOS might also find local notifications useful. For example, apps that depend on servers for messages or data can poll their servers for incoming items while running in the background; if a message is ready to view or an update is ready to download, they can handle the data as needed, and notify users if appropriate.

A local notification is an instance of  or NSUserNotification with three general kinds of properties:

  • Scheduled time. You must specify the date and time the operating system delivers the notification; this is known as the fire date. You can qualify the fire date with a specific time zone so that the system can make adjustments to the fire date when the user travels. You can also request the operating system to reschedule the notification at a regular interval (weekly, monthly, and so on).

  • Notification type. These properties include the alert message, the title of the default action button, the app icon badge number, a sound to play, and optionally in iOS 8 and later, a category of custom actions.

  • Custom data. Local notifications can include a user info dictionary of custom data.

 describes these properties in programmatic detail. After an app has created a local-notification object, it can either schedule it with the operating system or present it immediately.

Each app on a device is limited to 64 scheduled local notifications. The system discards scheduled notifications in excess of this limit, keeping only the 64 notifications that will fire the soonest. Recurring notifications are treated as a single notification.





  2.通知的类型:这些属性包括:弹出警告视图的信息:alertBody 警告视图的按钮的标题或者锁屏时的跑马灯字:alertAction app的徽标:applicationIconBadgeNumber 提示音:soundName





  • More About Remote Notifications

An iOS or Mac app is often a part of a larger application based on the client/server model. The client side of the app is installed on the device or computer; the server side of the app has the main function of providing data to its client apps, and hence is termed a provider. A client app periodically connects with its provider and downloads any data that is waiting for it. Email and social-networking apps are examples of this client/server model.

But what if the app is not connected to its provider or even running on the device or computer when the provider has new data for it to download? How does it learn about this waiting data? Remote (or push) notifications are the solution to this dilemma. A remote notification is a short message that a provider has delivered to the operating system of a device or computer; the operating system, in turn, can inform the user of a client app that there is data to be downloaded, a message to be viewed, and so on. If the user enables this feature (on iOS) and the app is properly registered, the notification is delivered to the operating system and possibly to the app. Apple Push Notification service (APNs) is the primary technology for the remote-notification feature.

Remote notifications serve much the same purpose as a background app on a desktop system, but without the additional overhead. For an app that is not currently running—or, in the case of iOS, not running in the foreground—the notification occurs indirectly. The operating system receives a remote notification on behalf of the app and alerts the user. Once alerted, users may choose to launch the app, which then downloads the data from its provider. If an app is running when a notification comes in, the app can choose to handle the notification directly.

As its name suggests, Apple Push Notification service uses a remote design to deliver remote notifications to devices and computers. A push design differs from its opposite, a pull design, in that the recipient of the notification passively listens for updates rather than actively polling for them. A push design makes possible a wide and timely dissemination of information with few of the scalability problems inherent with pull designs. APNs uses a persistent IP connection for implementing remote notifications.

Most of a remote notification consists of a payload: a property list containing APNs-defined properties specifying how the user is to be notified. For performance reasons, the payload is deliberately small. Although you may define custom properties for the payload, you should never use the remote-notification mechanism for data transport because delivery of remote notifications is not guaranteed. For more on the payload, see .

APNs retains the last notification it receives from a provider for an app on a device; so, if a device or computer comes online and has not received the notification, APNs pushes the stored notification to it. A device running iOS receives remote notifications over both Wi-Fi and cellular connections; a computer running OS X receives remote notifications over both Wi-Fi and Ethernet connections.

Important: In iOS, Wi-Fi is used for remote notifications only if there is no cellular connection or if the device is an iPod touch. For some devices to receive notifications via Wi-Fi, the device’s display must be on (that is, it cannot be sleeping) or it must be plugged in. The iPad, on the other hand, remains associated with the Wi-Fi access point while asleep, thus permitting the delivery of remote notifications. The Wi-Fi radio wakes the host processor for any incoming traffic.

Sending notifications too frequently negatively impacts the device’s battery life—devices must access the network to receive notifications.

Adding the remote-notification feature to your app requires that you obtain the proper certificates from Member Center for either the iOS Developer Program or Mac Developer Program and then write the requisite code for the client and provider sides of the app.  explains the provisioning and setup steps, and  and  describe the details of implementation.





§ Registering, Scheduling, and Handling User Notifications

The are several tasks that an iOS or OS X app should do to register, schedule, and handle both local and remote notifications.

  • Registering for Notification Types in iOS

In iOS 8 and later, apps that use either local or remote notifications must register the types of notifications they intend to deliver. The system then gives the user the ability to limit the types of notifications your app displays. The system does not badge icons, display alert messages, or play alert sounds if any of these notification types are not enabled for your app, even if they are specified in the notification payload.

In iOS, use the  method of  to register notification types. The notification types represent the user interface elements the app displays when it receives a notification: badging the app’s icon, playing a sound, and displaying an alert. If you don’t register any notification types, the system pushes all remote notifications to your app silently, that is, without displaying any user interface. Listing 2-1 shows how an app registers notification types.

Listing 2-1  Registering notification types

UIUserNotificationType types = UIUserNotificationTypeBadge | UIUserNotificationTypeSound | UIUserNotificationTypeAlert;UIUserNotificationSettings *mySettings = [UIUserNotificationSettings settingsForTypes:types categories:nil];[[UIApplication sharedApplication] registerUserNotificationSettings:mySettings];

Notice the use of the categories parameter in Listing 2-1. A category is a group of actions that can be displayed in conjunction with a single notification. You can learn more about categories in .

The first time you call the  method, iOS presents a dialog that asks the user for permission to present the types of notifications the app registered. After the user replies, iOS asynchronously calls back to the  object with the  method, passing a object that specifies the types of notifications the user allows. Because the user can change their initial setting at any time, call before you do any work preparing a notification for presentation.

In iOS 8 and later, calling  applies to remote notifications as well as local notifications. Because doing so specifies the types of remote notifications the app displays, the  is deprecated in iOS 8. You can learn more about remote notifications in .

• 在iOS中注册通知类型



注意categories的用法:categories是一个通知中的一组动作事件,参考 Using Notification Actions iOS

第一次调用registerUserNotificationSettings:方法,iOS会呈现一个对话框询问用户是否允许展示该app注册的通知类型,当用户回应了,iOS异步的执行回调UIApplicationDelegate的application:didRegisterUserNotificationSettings: 传进一个用户在设置中允许的通知展示类型UIUserNotificationType


在iOS8+之后,本地和远程通知都调用registerUserNotificationSettings:注册,在iOS8之前注册远程通知的方法registerForRemoteNotificationTypes:被不推荐了,具体见下面的Registering for Remote Notification

  • Scheduling Local Notifications

In iOS, you create a  object and schedule its delivery using the  method of . In OS X, you create anNSUserNotification object (which includes a delivery time) and the NSUserNotificationCenter is responsible for delivering it appropriately. (An OS X app can also adopt theNSUserNotificationCenterDelegate protocol to customize the behavior of the default NSUserNotificationCenter object.)

Creating and scheduling local notifications in iOS requires that you perform the following steps:

  1. In iOS 8 and later, register for notification types, as described in . (In OS X and earlier versions of iOS, you need register only for remote notifications.) If you already registered notification types, call  to get the types of notifications the user accepts from your app.

  2. Allocate and initialize a  object.

  3. Set the date and time that the operating system should deliver the notification. This is the  property.

    If you set the  property to the  object for the current locale, the system automatically adjusts the fire date when the device travels across (and is reset for) different time zones. (Time zones affect the values of date components—that is, day, month, hour, year, and minute—that the system calculates for a given calendar and date value.)

    You can also schedule the notification for delivery on a recurring basis (daily, weekly, monthly, and so on).

  4. As appropriate, configure an alert, icon badge, or sound so that the notification can be delivered to users according to their preferences. (To learn about when different notification types are appropriate, see  in .)

    • An alert has a property for the message (the  property) and for the title of the action button or slider (). Specify strings that are localized for the user’s current language preference.

    • To display a number in a badge on the app icon, use the  property.

    • To play a sound, assign a sound to the  property. You can assign the filename of a nonlocalized custom sound in the app’s main bundle or you can assign to get the default system sound. A sound should always accompany the display of an alert message or the badging of an icon; a sound should not be played in the absence of other notification types.

  5. Optionally, you can attach custom data to the notification through the  property. For example, a notification that’s sent when a CloudKit record changes includes the identifier of the record, so that a handler can get the record and update it.

  6. Optionally, in iOS 8 and later, your local notification can present custom actions that your app can perform in response to user interaction, as described in .

  7. Schedule the local notification for delivery.

    You schedule a local notification by calling . The app uses the fire date specified in the  object for the moment of delivery. Alternatively, you can present the notification immediately by calling the  method.

The method in Listing 2-2 creates and schedules a notification to inform the user of a hypothetical to-do list app about the impending due date of a to-do item. There are a couple things to note about it. For the alertBody and alertAction properties, it fetches from the main bundle (via the  macro) strings localized to the user’s preferred language. It also adds the name of the relevant to-do item to a dictionary assigned to the userInfo property.

Listing 2-2  Creating, configuring, and scheduling a local notification

- (void)scheduleNotificationWithItem:(ToDoItem *)item interval:(int)minutesBefore {
   NSCalendar *calendar = [NSCalendar autoupdatingCurrentCalendar]; NSDateComponents *dateComps = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init]; [dateComps setDay:item.day]; [dateComps setMonth:item.month]; [dateComps setYear:item.year]; [dateComps setHour:item.hour]; [dateComps setMinute:item.minute]; NSDate *itemDate = [calendar dateFromComponents:dateComps]; UILocalNotification *localNotif = [[UILocalNotification alloc] init]; if (localNotif == nil) return; localNotif.fireDate = [itemDate dateByAddingTimeIntervalInterval:-(minutesBefore*60)]; localNotif.timeZone = [NSTimeZone defaultTimeZone]; localNotif.alertBody = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%@ in %i minutes.", nil), item.eventName, minutesBefore]; localNotif.alertAction = NSLocalizedString(@"View Details", nil); localNotif.soundName = UILocalNotificationDefaultSoundName; localNotif.applicationIconBadgeNumber = 1; NSDictionary *infoDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:item.eventName forKey:ToDoItemKey]; localNotif.userInfo = infoDict; [[UIApplication sharedApplication] scheduleLocalNotification:localNotif];}


You can cancel a specific scheduled notification by calling  on the app object, and you can cancel all scheduled notifications by calling. Both of these methods also programmatically dismiss a currently displayed notification alert. For example, you might want to cancel a notification that’s associated with a reminder the user no longer wants.

Apps might also find local notifications useful when they run in the background and some message, data, or other item arrives that might be of interest to the user. In this case, an app can present the notification immediately using the UIApplication method  (iOS gives an app a limited time to run in the background).

In OS X, you might write code like that shown in Listing 2-3 to create a local notification and schedule it for delivery. Note that OS X doesn’t deliver a local notification if your app is currently frontmost. Also, OS X users can change their preferences for receiving notifications in System Preferences.

Listing 2-3  Creating and scheduling a local notification in OS X

//Create a new local notificationNSUserNotification *notification = [[NSUserNotification alloc] init];//Set the title of the notificationnotification.title = @"My Title";//Set the text of the notificationnotification.informativeText = @"My Text";//Schedule the notification to be delivered 20 seconds after executionnotification.deliveryDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:20]; //Get the default notification center and schedule delivery[[NSUserNotificationCenter defaultUserNotificationCenter] scheduleNotification:notification];



1.在iOS8+之后,按照标题Register for Notification Types in iOS中注册通知类型(在iOS8之前,你仅仅需要为远程通知注册通知类型),如果你已经注册了通知类型,调用currentUserNotificationSettings获取用户设置接收通知的类型

2.alloc init UILocalNotification


如果你为当前通知设置了NSTimeZone的timeZone属性,当设备时区改变或者重置了不同的时区时,系统自动的适应frie date

(time zone影响着date components 的值:例如day month,hour,year,和minute)


4.学习什么时候不同的通知类型是合适的,参考在 iOS Human Interface Guidelines里面的Notification部分





6.可选的, iOS8之后,你的本地通知可以展现自定制的交互action 参见:Using Notification Actions in iOS











if (数据到来){




- (void)callback {




  • Registering for Remote Notifications

An app must register with Apple Push Notification service (APNs) to receive remote notifications sent by the app’s push provider. In iOS 8 and later, registration has four stages:

  1. Register the notification types your app supports using .

  2. Register to receive push notifications via APNs by calling your app’s  method.

  3. Store the device token returned to the app delegate by the server for a successful registration, or handle registration failure gracefully.

  4. Forward the device token to the app’s push provider.

(In iOS 7, instead of the first two steps, you register by calling the  method of , and in OS X by calling theregisterForRemoteNotificationTypes: method of NSApplication.) The actions that take place during the registration sequence are illustrated by  in .

Device tokens can change, so your app needs to reregister every time it is launched.

If registration is successful, APNs returns a device token to the device and iOS passes the token to the app delegate in the method. The app passes this token, encoded in binary format, to its provider. If there is a problem in obtaining the token, the operating system informs the delegate by calling the application:didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError: method (or theapplication:didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError: method in OS X). The  object passed into this method clearly describes the cause of the error. The error might be, for instance, an erroneous aps-environment value in the provisioning profile. You should view the error as a transient state and not attempt to parse it.

iOS Note: If a cellular or Wi-Fi connection is not available, neither the  method nor the method is called. For Wi-Fi connections, this sometimes occurs when the device cannot connect with APNs over port 5223. If this happens, the user can move to another Wi-Fi network that isn’t blocking this port or, on an iPhone or iPad, wait until the cellular data service becomes available. In either case, the device should be able to make the connection, and then one of the delegation methods is called.


By requesting the device token and passing it to the provider every time your app launches, you ensure that the provider has the current token for the device. Otherwise, pushes may not make their way to the user's device. If a user restores a backup to a device or computer other than the one that the backup was created for (for example, the user migrates data to a new device or computer), the user must launch the app at least once for it to receive notifications again. If the user restores backup data to a new device or computer, or reinstalls the operating system, the device token changes. Moreover, never cache a device token and give that to your provider; always get the token from the system whenever you need it. If your app has previously registered, calling  results in the operating system passing the device token to the delegate immediately without incurring additional overhead. Also note that the delegate method may be called any time the device token changes, not just in response to your app registering or re-registering.

Listing 2-4 gives a simple example of how you might register for remote notifications in an iOS app. The code would be similar for a Mac app.

Listing 2-4  Registering for remote notifications

- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)app {   // other setup tasks here....    UIUserNotificationType types = UIUserNotificationTypeBadge |                 UIUserNotificationTypeSound | UIUserNotificationTypeAlert;     UIUserNotificationSettings *mySettings =                [UIUserNotificationSettings settingsForTypes:types categories:nil];     [[UIApplication sharedApplication] registerUserNotificationSettings:mySettings];    [app.registerForRemoteNotifications]; // 这里有一处错误!} // Delegation methods- (void)application:(UIApplication *)app didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)devToken {    const void *devTokenBytes = [devToken bytes];    self.registered = YES;    [self sendProviderDeviceToken:devTokenBytes]; // custom method} - (void)application:(UIApplication *)app didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError:(NSError *)err {    NSLog(@"Error in registration. Error: %@", err);}


In your application:didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError: implementation, you should process that error object appropriately and make sure you disable any logic within your app that depends on receiving remote notifications. You don't want do any unnecessary processing within your app for notifications that aren't going to be coming in. Just gracefully degrade.




3.调用注册成功的回调,将device token存下,或者如果注册失败,调注册失败的回调中

4.将device token上传给server


device tokens可以改变,所以你的app需要每次启动的时候注册一次 

如果注册成功,APNs返回一个设备的device token 并其iOS将token传给app delegate在下面这个方法中



如果获取device token失败,操作系统调用方法通知代理application:didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError:




每一次启动app,你每次注册device token然后将其上传给服务器,你就保证了服务器有设备当前的device token,否则pushes可能不会到达目标设备。如果用户从备份中~~~

如果你的app之前已经注册了push,调用registerForRemotNotifications,因为操作系统会立即将device token传给代理,没有额外的开销。

注意:当device token改变的时候,代理方法可能随时被调用,不仅仅在app注册push或者再次注册的时候。

2-4 iOS中注册远程推送通知的例子


你不应该会想对没有到来的通知做一些无必要的处理,just gracefully degrade (不知道该怎么说)

  • Handling Local and Remote Notifications

Let’s review the possible scenarios that can arise when the system delivers a local notification or a remote notification for an app.

The notification is delivered when the app isn’t running in the foreground. In this case, the system presents the notification, displaying an alert, badging an icon, perhaps playing a sound, and perhaps displaying one or more action buttons for the user to tap.

The user taps a custom action button in an iOS 8 notification. In this case, iOS calls either orapplication:handleActionWithIdentifier:forLocalNotification:completionHandler:. In both methods, you get the identifier of the action so that you can determine which button the user tapped. You also get either the remote or local notification object, so that you can retrieve any information you need to handle the action.

The user taps the default button in the alert or taps (or clicks) the app icon. If the default action button is tapped (on a device running iOS), the system launches the app and the app calls its delegate’s  method, passing in the notification payload (for remote notifications) or the local-notification object (for local notifications). Although application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: isn’t the best place to handle the notification, getting the payload at this point gives you the opportunity to start the update process before your handler method is called.

If the notification is remote, the system also calls .

If the app icon is clicked on a computer running OS X, the app calls the delegate’s applicationDidFinishLaunching: method in which the delegate can obtain the remote-notification payload. If the app icon is tapped on a device running iOS, the app calls the same method, but furnishes no information about the notification.

The notification is delivered when the app is running in the foreground. The app calls the  method  or. (If application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler: isn’t implemented, the system calls application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:.) In OS X, the system calls application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:.

An app can use the passed-in remote-notification payload or, in iOS, the  object to help set the context for processing the item related to the notification. Ideally, the delegate does the following on each platform to handle the delivery of remote and local notifications in all situations:

  • For OS X, the delegate should adopt the NSApplicationDelegate protocol and implement the application:didReceiveRemoteNotification: method.

  • For iOS, the delegate should should adopt the  protocol and implement the  orapplication:didReceiveLocalNotification: methods. To handle notification actions, implement the or methods.

The delegate for an iOS app in Listing 2-5 implements the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method to handle a local notification. It gets the associatedUILocalNotification object from the launch-options dictionary using the  key. From the UILocalNotification object’s dictionary, it accesses the to-do item that is the reason for the notification and uses it to set the app’s initial context. As shown in this example, you might appropriately reset the badge number on the app icon—or remove it if there are no outstanding items—as part of handling the notification.

Listing 2-5  Handling a local notification when an app is launched

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)app didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {    UILocalNotification *localNotif =        [launchOptions objectForKey:UIApplicationLaunchOptionsLocalNotificationKey];    if (localNotif) {        NSString *itemName = [localNotif.userInfo objectForKey:ToDoItemKey];        [viewController displayItem:itemName];  // custom method        app.applicationIconBadgeNumber = localNotif.applicationIconBadgeNumber-1;    }    [window addSubview:viewController.view];    [window makeKeyAndVisible];    return YES;}


The implementation for a remote notification would be similar, except that you would use a specially declared constant in each platform as a key to access the notification payload:

  • In iOS, the delegate, in its implementation of the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method, uses the  key to access the payload from the launch-options dictionary.

  • In OS X, the delegate, in its implementation of the applicationDidFinishLaunching: method, uses the NSApplicationLaunchRemoteNotificationKey key to access the payload dictionary from the  dictionary of the NSNotification object that is passed into the method.

The payload itself is an  object that contains the elements of the notification—alert message, badge number, sound, and so on. It can also contain custom data the app can use to provide context when setting up the initial user interface. See  for details about the remote-notification payload.

Important: Delivery of remote notifications is not guaranteed, so you should not use the notification payload to deliver sensitive data or data that can’t be retrieved by other means.

One example of an appropriate usage for a custom payload property is a string identifying an email account from which messages are downloaded to an email client; the app can incorporate this string in its download user-interface. Another example of custom payload property is a timestamp for when the provider first sent the notification; the client app can use this value to gauge how old the notification is.


When handling remote notifications in your notification handling methods, the app delegate might perform a major additional task. Just after the app launches, the delegate should connect with its provider and fetch the waiting data.

Note: A client app should always communicate with its provider asynchronously or on a secondary thread.


The code in Listing 2-6 shows an implementation of the  method which is called when app is running in the foreground. Here the app delegate does the same work as it does in Listing 2-5. It can access the UILocalNotification object directly this time because this object is an argument of the method.

Listing 2-6  Handling a local notification when an app is already running

- (void)application:(UIApplication *)app didReceiveLocalNotification:(UILocalNotification *)notif {    NSString *itemName = [notif.userInfo objectForKey:ToDoItemKey];    [viewController displayItem:itemName];  // custom method    app.applicationIconBadgeNumber = notification.applicationIconBadgeNumber - 1;}


If you want your app to catch remote notifications that the system delivers while it is running in the foreground, the app delegate must implement the method. The delegate should begin the procedure for downloading the waiting data, message, or other item and, after this concludes, it should remove the badge from the app icon. The dictionary passed in the second parameter of this method is the notification payload; you should not use any custom properties it contains to alter your app’s current context.

  • Using Notification Actions in iOS

In OS X and iOS versions prior to iOS 8, user notifications can have only one default action. In iOS 8 and later, user notifications can have additional custom actions. Two actions can be displayed on the lock screen, in a banner, and in Notification Center. In modal alerts, notifications can display up to four actions when the user taps the Options button. To use notification actions in your app, you need to register the actions, schedule a local notification or push a remote notification, and handle the action chosen by the user.

  • Registering Notification Actions

To use notification actions in your app, you must define the actions, group them into categories, and then register them with your app’s shared  instance.

To define a notification action, first you must create and initialize an instance of a notification action class, typically . Then you define an identifier, passed back to your app when it handles the action, and a localized string displayed to the user on the action button. Next, you set the action’s activation mode to foreground if the action needs to interrupt the user or background if not. Finally, you declare whether the action is destructive, meaning its button displays red, and whether choosing the action requires the user to enter their passcode. Listing 2-7 illustrates these steps.

Listing 2-7  Defining a notification action

UIMutableUserNotificationAction *acceptAction =            [[UIMutableUserNotificationAction alloc] init]; // Define an ID string to be passed back to your app when you handle the actionacceptAction.identifier = @"ACCEPT_IDENTIFIER"; // Localized string displayed in the action buttonacceptAction.title = @"Accept"; // If you need to show UI, choose foregroundacceptAction.activationMode = UIUserNotificationActivationModeBackground; // Destructive actions display in redacceptAction.destructive = NO; // Set whether the action requires the user to authenticateacceptAction.authenticationRequired = NO;


The  property determines whether iOS launches your app in the foreground or background when the user responds to the notification. If you set it to, your app is given seconds to run. If the  property is , the action’s button appears blue; if it’s , the button is red. If you set the action’s  property to  and the device is locked when the user responds to the notification, the user must enter a passcode when choosing the action. However, this does not unlock the device, so if your app needs to access files, make sure the files are in the right data protection class. When the value of the  property is, the value of the  property is assumed to be  regardless of its actual value.

For example, to configure actions for a calendar app, an Accept action needs no additional user interaction after the user taps the Accept button, so its  can be background. Also, the Accept action is not destructive, so it doesn’t appear in red on the notification and lock screen, and it doesn’t need authentication because accepting an invitation is relatively harmless. As another example, a Trash action to delete a message in a Mail app also needs no further user interaction, so it can run in the background, but it is destructive, so its property should be set to , and it requires authentication because you don’t want someone else deleting your messages. On the other hand, a Reply action requires user interaction, so the activation mode should be foreground. It’s not destructive, but the user must unlock the device because foreground actions always require authentication, regardless of the value in the  property.

After you have defined your actions, you need to group each of them into a category, which associates a type of notification with a set of related actions. For example, an Invite category could have Accept, Maybe, and Decline actions. A New mail category could have Mark as Read and Trash, and a Tagged category could have Like, Comment, and Untag actions. When crafting local or remote notifications for a user’s device, you specify the category that contains the actions you want to display with that notification. When the notification is displayed, iOS uses the category information to determine which buttons to display in the notification alert and to notify you of which action the user selected.

To group actions into a category, create and initialize an instance of a notification category class, typically . Then define an identifier for the category, which you include in local notifications and the push payload of remote notifications.

Next you add actions to the category and set their action context. There are two user notification action contexts: the default context, which supports four actions, and the minimal context, which displays two. The context relates to the part of the user interface in which the notification is presented—the lock screen only has room to display two actions, so the minimal context applies, whereas a modal alert has room for a full set of actions, and the default context applies. Listing 2-8 shows how these steps can be coded.

Listing 2-8  Grouping actions into categories

// First create the categoryUIMutableUserNotificationCategory *inviteCategory =        [[UIMutableUserNotificationCategory alloc] init]; // Identifier to include in your push payload and local notificationinviteCategory.identifier = @"INVITE_CATEGORY"; // Add the actions to the category and set the action context[inviteCategory setActions:@[acceptAction, maybeAction, declineAction]    forContext:UIUserNotificationActionContextDefault]; // Set the actions to present in a minimal context[inviteCategory setActions:@[acceptAction, declineAction]    forContext:UIUserNotificationActionContextMinimal];


The two  messages in  ensure that the actions are presented in the correct order in the default context, and that the most important actions are presented in a minimal context. That is, in a modal alert, the actions displayed are Accept, Maybe, and Decline (in that order), but on the lock screen the two actions displayed are Accept and Decline. If the second  were not specified, only the first two actions of the default context would be displayed on the lock screen: Accept and Maybe.

After you define your notification action categories, you need to register them. You do this by grouping them together in a set, providing them to your user notification settings, and then registering those settings with your shared app instance. Listing 2-9 illustrates these steps.

Listing 2-9  Registering notification categories

NSSet *categories = [NSSet setWithObjects:inviteCategory, alarmCategory, ... UIUserNotificationSettings *settings =       [UIUserNotificationSettings settingsForTypes:types categories:categories]; [[UIApplication sharedApplication] registerUserNotificationSettings:settings];


The  class method  method is the same one shown in  which passed nil for the categories parameter, and the notification settings are registered in the same way with the app instance. In this case, the notification categories, as well as the notification types, are included in the app’s notification settings.

  • Pushing a Remote Notification or Scheduling a Local Notification with Custom Actions

To show the notification actions that you defined, categorized, and registered, you must push a remote notification or schedule a local notification. In the remote notification case, you need to include the category identifier in your push payload, as shown in Listing 2-10. Support for categories is a collaboration between your iOS app and your push notification server. When your push server wants to send a notification to a user, it can add a category key with an appropriate value to the notification’s payload. When iOS sees a push notification with a category key, it looks up the categories that were registered by the app. If iOS finds a match, it displays the corresponding actions with the notification.

In iOS 8, the previous size limit of 256 bytes for a push payload has been increased to 2 kilobytes. See  for details about the remote-notification payload.

Listing 2-10  Push payload including category identifier

{    "aps" :  {        "alert" : "You’re invited!",        "category" : "INVITE_CATEGORY",    }}


In the case of a local notification, you create the notification as usual, then set the category of the actions to be presented, and finally, schedule the notification as usual, as shown in Listing 2-11.

Listing 2-11  Defining a category of actions for a local notification

UILocalNotification *notification = [[UILocalNotification alloc] init];. . .notification.category = @"INVITE_CATEGORY";[[UIApplication sharedApplication] scheduleLocalNotification:notification];


  • Handling Notification Actions

If your app is not running in the foreground, to handle the default action when a user just swipes or taps on a notification, iOS launches your app in the foreground and calls the method  passing in the local notification or the remote notification in the options dictionary. In the remote notification case, the system also calls .

If your app is already in the foreground, iOS does not show the notification. Instead, to handle the default action, it calls one of the  methods or . (If you don’t implementapplication:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:, iOS calls .)

Finally, to handle the custom actions available in iOS 8, you need to implement at least one of two new methods on your app delegate, or. In either case, you receive the action identifier, which you can use to determine what action was tapped. You also receive the notification, remote or local, which you can use to retrieve any information you need to handle that action. Finally, the system passes you the completion handler, which you must call when you finish handling the action. Listing 2-12 shows an example implementation that calls a self-defined action handler method.

Listing 2-12  Handling a custom notification action

- (void)application:(UIApplication *) application              handleActionWithIdentifier: (NSString *) identifier          // either forLocalNotification: (NSDictionary *) notification or                   forRemoteNotification: (NSDictionary *) notification                       completionHandler: (void (^)()) completionHandler {     if ([identifier isEqualToString: @"ACCEPT_IDENTIFIER"]) {        [self handleAcceptActionWithNotification:notification];    }     // Must be called when finished    completionHandler();}


  • Using Location-Based Notifications

In iOS 8 and later, you can send the user a notification whenever they arrive at a particular geographic location. This feature uses Core Location and is implemented through simple API additions to the UILocalNotification class. You define Core Location region objects and attach them to a notification so that the notification fires when the user comes near, enters, or exits a region. You can make it so that the notification is presented only the first time that the user enters this region, or you could have the notifications fire continuously if that makes sense for your app.

  • Registering for Location-Based Notifications

Before you can schedule a location-based notification, you must register with Core Location. To register, create a CLLocationManager instance and set your app as the delegate on this manager. The delegate receives callbacks that tell your app whether it is allowed to track the user's location. Finally, you must send the location manager instance arequestWhenInUseAuthorization message, as shown in Listing 2-13. The first time your app calls this method, it displays an alert that asks the user to allow or disallow your app’s tracking of the user’s whereabouts. In addition to asking the user for permission for your app to access their location, the alert also displays some explanatory text that you provide, such as “Enabling location tracking allows friends to see where you are.” This explanatory string is required to use location services. Your app defines the string in its Info.plist file under theNSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription key. If your app runs in locales with different languages, make sure you localize the string appropriately in your Info.plist strings file. If the user agrees to allow access, your app can track the user's location when your app is running in the foreground.

Listing 2-13  Getting authorization for tracking the user’s location

CLLocationManager *locMan = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];// Set a delegate that receives callbacks that specify if your app is allowed to track the user's locationlocMan.delegate = self; // Request authorization to track the user’s location and enable location-based notifications[locMan requestWhenInUseAuthorization];


Note that users may see location-based notification alerts even when your app is in the background or suspended. However, an app does not receive any callbacks until users interact with the alert and the app is allowed to access their location.

  • Handling Core Location Callbacks

At startup, you should check the authorization status and store the state information you need to allow or disallow location-based notifications. The first delegate callback from the Core Location manager that you must handle is locationManager:didChangeAuthorizationStatus:, which reports changes to the authorization status. First, check that the status passed with the callback is kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorizedWhenInUse, as shown in Listing 2-14, meaning that your app is authorized to track the user’s location. Then you can begin scheduling location-based notifications.

Listing 2-14  Handling the Core Location authorization callback

- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager               didChangeAuthorizationStatus:(CLAuthorizationStatus)status {     // Check status to see if the app is authorized    BOOL canUseLocationNotifications = (status == kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorizedWhenInUse);     if (canUseLocationNotifications) {        [self startShowingLocationNotifications]; // Custom method defined below    }}


Listing 2-15 shows how to schedule a notification that triggers when the user enters a region. The first thing you must do, as with a local notification triggered by a date or a time, is to create an instance of UILocalNotification and define its type, in this case an alert.

Listing 2-15  Scheduling a location-based notification

- (void)startShowingNotifications {     UILocalNotification *locNotification = [[UILocalNotification alloc] init];    locNotification.alertBody = @“You have arrived!”;    locNotification.regionTriggersOnce = YES;     locNotification.region = [[CLCircularRegion alloc]                        initWithCenter:LOC_COORDINATE                                radius:LOC_RADIUS                            identifier:LOC_IDENTIFIER];     [[UIApplication sharedApplication] scheduleLocalNotification:locNotification];}


When the user enters the region defined in Listing 2-15, assuming the app isn't running in the foreground, the app displays an alert saying: “You have arrived!" The next line specifies that this notification triggers only once, the first time the user enters or exits this region. This is actually the default behavior, so it's superfluous to specify , but you could set this property to  if that makes sense for your users and for your app.

Next, you create a CLCircularRegion instance and set it on the region property of the UILocalNotification instance. In this case we're giving it an app-defined location coordinate with some radius so that when the user enters this circle, this notification is triggered. This example uses a CLCircularRegion property, but you could also use CLBeaconRegion or any other type of CLRegion subclass.

Finally, call scheduleLocalNotification: on your UIApplication shared instance, passing this notification just like you would do for any other local user notification.

  • Handling Location-Based Notifications

Assuming that your app is suspended when the user enters the region defined in , an alert is displayed that says: "You have arrived." Your app can handle that local notification in the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: app delegate method callback. Alternatively, if your app is executing in the foreground when the user enters that region, your app delegate is called back with application:didReceiveLocalNotification: message.

The logic for handling a location-based notification is very similar for both the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: and application:didReceiveLocalNotification:methods. Both methods provide the notification, an instance of UILocalNotification, which has a region property. If that property is not nil, then the notification is a location-based notification, and you can do whatever makes sense for your app. The example code in Listing 2-16 calls a hypothetical method of the app delegate namedtellFriendsUserArrivedAtRegion:.

Listing 2-16  Handling a location-based notification

- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application                         didReceiveLocalNotification: (UILocalNotification *)notification {     CLRegion *region = notification.region;     if (region) {           [self tellFriendsUserArrivedAtRegion:region];    }}


Finally, remember that the application:didReceiveLocalNotification: method is not called if the user disables Core Location, which they can do at any time in the Settings app under Privacy > Location Services.

  • Preparing Custom Alert Sounds

For remote notifications in iOS, you can specify a custom sound that iOS plays when it presents a local or remote notification for an app. The sound files must be in the main bundle of the client app.

Custom alert sounds are played by the iOS system-sound facility, so they must be in one of the following audio data formats:

  • Linear PCM


  • µLaw

  • aLaw

You can package the audio data in an aiffwav, or caf file. Then, in Xcode, add the sound file to your project as a nonlocalized resource of the app bundle.

You may use the afconvert tool to convert sounds. For example, to convert the 16-bit linear PCM system sound Submarine.aiff to IMA4 audio in a CAF file, use the following command in the Terminal app:

afconvert /System/Library/Sounds/Submarine.aiff ~/Desktop/sub.caf -d ima4 -f caff -v

You can inspect a sound to determine its data format by opening it in QuickTime Player and choosing Show Movie Inspector from the Movie menu.

Custom sounds must be under 30 seconds when played. If a custom sound is over that limit, the default system sound is played instead.

  • Passing the Provider the Current Language Preference (Remote Notifications)

If an app doesn’t use the loc-key and loc-args properties of the aps dictionary for client-side fetching of localized alert messages, the provider needs to localize the text of alert messages it puts in the notification payload. To do this, however, the provider needs to know the language that the device user has selected as the preferred language. (The user sets this preference in the General > International > Language view of the Settings app.) The client app should send its provider an identifier of the preferred language; this could be a canonicalized IETF BCP 47 language identifier such as “en” or “fr”.

Note: For more information about the loc-key and loc-args properties and client-side message localizations, see .

Listing 2-17 illustrates a technique for obtaining the currently selected language and communicating it to the provider. In iOS, the array returned by the  property ofNSLocale contains one object: an NSString object encapsulating the language code identifying the preferred language. The  coverts the string object to a C string encoded as UTF8.

Listing 2-17  Getting the current supported language and sending it to the provider

NSString *preferredLang = [[NSLocale preferredLanguages] objectAtIndex:0];const char *langStr = [preferredLang UTF8String];[self sendProviderCurrentLanguage:langStr]; // custom method}

The app might send its provider the preferred language every time the user changes something in the current locale. To do this, you can listen for the notification named and, in your notification-handling method, get the code identifying the preferred language and send that to your provider.

If the preferred language is not one the app supports, the provider should localize the message text in a widely spoken fallback language such as English or Spanish.






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